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Who Hires Stagehands? Find Out Where to Look for Jobs {2023}

| 🕒 Ever wondered who breathes magic into Broadway or transforms an ordinary rock concert into a psychedelic spectacle? Take a moment to step backstage, out of the limelight, and you’ll come face to face with the unsung heroes of the entertainment world – the stagehands. Like the intricate cogs in a vintage pocket watch, […]

Stagehand Etiquette and Professionalism: Essential Tips {2023}

| 🕒 Imagine Napoleon without his army, a conductor without his orchestra, or even an Apple Store with no tech. This eerily silent and dysfunctional picture is precisely what life on stage would look like if we extracted the stagehands from the equation. Yes, you got that right! The stagehands, those geniuses working their magic […]

Essential Skills for Becoming a Professional Stagehand {2023}

| 🕒 Have you ever wondered about the unsung heroes who turn an empty stage into a living, breathing world filled with color, music, and movement? Picture this: A master puppeteer deftly operating the strings of a marionette. Each precise pull is akin to a stagehand’s laborious work that invisibly weaves magic for theater aficionados’ […]

Exploring the Role of a Stagehand: Duties and Responsibilities {2023}

| 🕒 Ever wondered about the marvel that unfolds when the theater lights dim? The meticulously designed sets, the perfectly timed light changes, or the seamless scene transitions? Behind every awe-inspiring theatrical performance lies tireless work from a team of unsung heroes – Stagehands. In this blog post, we delve behind the scenes, unmasking the […]

How to Get Started as a Stagehand Beginner’s Guide {2023}

| 🕒 So, you’ve been spellbound by the magic of theater and have decided to translate your love for dramatic arts into a vibrant career, not under the dazzling lime lights but behind the scenes. Here’s an exciting revelation – becoming a stagehand can be your secret entry into this enchanting world! This beginner’s guide […]

Union vs Non-Union Stagehand Jobs: Pros and Cons {2023}

| 🕒 Breaking into the world of stagehand jobs can be a daunting task, with questions swirling around your head — is it better to ally yourself with a union or take the non-union route? These decisions will shape not only your career prospects but also your entire professional journey within the theatrical industry. To […]

What is a Stagehand? Everything You Need to Know {2023}

Have you ever seen a live performance and thought to yourself, how do they make that all happen? Most people have no idea what goes into putting on a show. Behind the scenes, there is a whole team of professionals who work tirelessly to make sure everything runs smoothly. Today, we’re going to take a […]

Stagehand Tool List | 11 Useful Tools | Always Bring a Crescent Wrench

One of the best ways to get into Stage Lighting is to become a Stagehand. Either you can join a Stagehand Union – iatse local or not. Joining a Union can be very beneficial. Working with other Stagehands – You will be able to learn a lot. It is a great way to start out. […]